

CARE workshops are free and available to the Purdue community by request only. To request one of the workshops below, please complete the CARE Workshop Request Form.

CARE Overview (15-30 minutes)

This workshop provides a brief overview of the services available at CARE, including confidential support, advocacy services, and prevention education.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Define interpersonal violence, including relationship violence, sexual violence, and stalking. 
  2. Identify the campus resources available to students who have experienced interpersonal violence, including CAPS, PUSH, OIE, and PUPD. 
  3. Recall CARE's prevention programs available to the campus community and how to request a workshop. 
  4. Explain CARE's advocacy services available to students who have directly or indirectly experienced interpersonal violence. 
  5. Describe how to refer survivors of interpersonal violence to CARE. 

Boiler Up & Intervene

Bystander intervention is an evidence-based strategy for preventing interpersonal violence. This workshop is designed to educate students about recognizing an unsafe situation, the different methods for safe intervention, and how to identify and mitigate the barriers that may prevent them from intervening in situations they determine to be unsafe.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define interpersonal violence, including sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking. 
  2. Define bystander intervention. 
  3. Recognize characteristics of unsafe situations. 
  4. Safely and confidently intervene in situations to prevent harm from occurring.
  5. Examine barriers that stop people from intervening, including their own. 
  6. Identify strategies to overcome personal barriers to intervening. 

CARE-ing Support: Responding to Disclosures of Interpersonal Violence

Research shows that students are more likely to disclose experiences of interpersonal violence to informal sources, like their peers. This workshop is intended to educate the students about how to respond to peer disclosures of interpersonal violence.

Please note: There are two versions of this workshop for the general student population and peer leaders. Please review the learning objectives below to determine the best fit for your workshop request.

Learning Objectives for General Students Population: 

  1. Define interpersonal violence. 
  2. Recognize the impact that traumatic experiences may have on an individual. 
  3. Practice active listening skills to respond to a peer who discloses experiencing interpersonal violence, including 'I' statements, reflections, and summarizations. 
  4. Identify self-care practices to care for oneself while supporting a peer.
  5. Recall general advocacy services available at CARE for students who have experienced interpersonal violence. 

Learning Objectives for Peer Leaders:

  1. Neurobiology of Trauma
    1. Identify the neurobiology of trauma, including the impact that traumatic experience may have on peers who have experienced interpersonal violence. 
    2. Recognize the role of the stress response (e.g., fight, flight, freeze, and fawn) in determining how survivors of interpersonal violence may respond during or after a traumatic experience. 
    3. Recognize the physical and cognitive impacts that interpersonal violence has on individuals who have directly or indirectly experienced it. 
  2. Empathetic Support
    1. Differentiate between empathetic and sympathetic responses and how each can impact a peer who has experienced interpersonal violence. 
    2. Identify responses that demonstrate empathy, including informed consent to mandatory reporting requirements. 
    3. Discuss setting and maintaining personal boundaries while supporting peers in crisis. 
  3. Self-Care
    1. Define the differences between vicarious trauma, secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. 
    2. Create a self-care plan by choosing three techniques from the workshop to reduce the impact of vicarious trauma after hearing a disclosure of interpersonal violence. 

Healthy Relationships 1.0

We often hear about toxic relationships and red flags, but how can we identify traits of unhealthy relationships in our lives if we don't know what healthy love looks like? This workshop is designed to increase our understanding of what healthy relationships look like, from friends to partners to family to roommates, and how to reflect on our own role within these dynamics.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the fundamental concepts of healthy relationships using the Equality Wheel. 
  2. Evaluate how love can be given and received in different relational contexts through Love Languages.
  3. Analyze the role that different styles of boundaries play in interpersonal relationships.
  4. Differentiate between green, yellow, and red light traits in relationships.


Note: All workshops are between 45-60min and include a brief overview of the services offered by CARE, unless otherwise specified.