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Educational Ambassadors

If you are interested in joining the Educational Ambassador Program, please fill out the Program Interest Form to be notified when applications are available.

CARE Educational Ambassadors are Purdue student leaders who are passionate about creating a safer campus culture by facilitating interpersonal violence prevention programming to the Purdue community. Students of all identities are needed to lead our programs.

CARE is looking for Purdue students who are passionate and interested in leading prevention and awareness programming related to sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking. This volunteer leadership position will provide opportunities for students to gain experience in program facilitation to diverse audiences, leading campus-wide awareness events, and social media and marketing. While experience in interpersonal violence prevention and awareness programming is helpful, no experience is required.


  • Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Complete a 40-hour Educational Ambassador Training
  • Facilitate a minimum of 3 events per semester
  • Attend one Educational Ambassador meeting each month
  • Ability to commit for 2 semesters (Fall or Spring)
Involvement Opportunities
  • CARE workshop facilitation
  • Outreach Events & Social Media Campaigns during Human Trafficking & Stalking Awareness Month (January), Sexual Assault Awareness Month (April), and Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October), and more
  • Marketing to increase awareness of CARE's services and events
Application Process
CARE recruits new Educational Ambassadors at the beginning of each Fall and Spring semester. Students who have submitted applications will be contacted to schedule a brief interview. If offered acceptance into the Educational Ambassador Program, students must complete a 40-hour Educational Ambassador Training. This training is designed to provide students with the needed skillsets to be successful in the program including facilitation skills, conflict management, community collaboration, and self-care techniques. Once the training has been completed, students will be able to participate in programming that fits into their schedules.
How to Apply

Complete the online application. Be prepared to answer questions related to your prior or current:

  • Work and Volunteer Experience
  • Student Organization Involvement
  • Authorization to complete a student conduct check



Want to Learn More? 

To learn more about the Educational Ambassador Program or request accommodations for the application process, please contact